
26 Brilliant Easy ways to keep a good smelling home

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Every home has a distinct smell, some more pleasant than others. If you’re concerned about your home falling into the not-so-great category, don’t worry. I have countless ways to address funky odors. And don’t feel embarrassed—it’s not your fault if your house has a peculiar smell (though it might be your pet’s doing). Remember, our home has been around much longer than we have, witnessing many occupants, meals, and bathroom trips.

Wood absorbs smells because it’s porous. Now, I’m imagining my favorite dive bar here—the strong scent of beer soaked into the wood hits me like a ton of bricks. That’s decades of beer spills seeping into the wood. Carpet works like a sponge, too, and even your walls silently soak up odors. Plus, who knows what’s lurking in your plumbing?

I’ve gathered 26 tips to help you keep your home smelling fresh and organized by room. Most of my solutions use simple household ingredients you likely already have, while others are inexpensive and easy to find. I’ll also give a shoutout to some of my favorite air freshening products.

After tracing the odors of the house back to different parts of my house, I have segmented the process depending on the region I’m focusing on.

Tips To Make Your Kitchen Smell Good

Whatever is going on in the kitchen, whether it is cooking, brewing, spills, or even what’s in the trash or sink, may affect the odors in the space. To revive the smell of your kitchen, however, you may make a few little adjustments. Advice: Keeping your pipes and drains clean is the main goal of many of these adjustments.

  1. Clean the dishwasher

A foul-smelling kitchen should have its dishwasher checked. It’s not rocket science, but it also needs cleaning. To eliminate dishwasher odors, refer to the cleaning recommendations included in your dishwasher’s handbook.

  1. Use coffee grounds

To absorb the smells of leftover food from the previous week, store a small bowl of coffee grinds in the refrigerator or freezer. But don’t forget to routinely wipe out your refrigerator. You can’t really fight the scent of rotten fish with coffee grounds, though.

  1. Vanilla extract

If I don’t have coffee handy, I soak a cotton ball in vanilla essence and store it in my freezer or refrigerator. It works equally well.

  1. Citrus peels

Use your trash disposal to grind up citrus peels. It will clean it and fill your kitchen with energizing citrus scents. Bonus: When you eat the remaining fruit, you’ll absorb more vitamin C. Two birds with one stone, I say.

  1. Boiling water

Pouring boiling water down the drain is one way to address sink smells if you do not have a trash disposal. After brewing tea, you can save time and water by using the remaining water in your kettle.

  1. Boil aromatic ingredients

Put some citrus peels, herbs, and spices in a saucepan and let them simmer until the smells permeate your house. I love this method; it reminds me of Christmas. You can also prepare mulled cider or masala chai to enjoy as a warm beverage while taking in the delightful aromas.

  1. Bake some spice

Gently toast the spices in a preheated oven. Your baking will be next to Nigella Lawson as the aromatic spices take on a nuttier, deeper flavor and fill your house with delightful aromas.

  1. Baking soda wonder

Toss some baking soda into the garbage can. You can eliminate those pesky odors in your kitchen garbage with this easy and inexpensive method.

  1. Vanilla again

Add a few teaspoons of vanilla essence to a cup and heat for 30 seconds if the microwave odor persists after cleaning. Be careful not to let anybody down as there aren’t any cookies to munch on; the kitchen will smell like baking.

  1. Chopped Citrus fruits

Mash the citrus fruits. Their aromatic oils will permeate the kitchen as you cut them. To make it more like a spa treatment, I add those slices to a glass of water. Healthy skin, healthy home.

Tips To Make Your Bathroom Smell Good

Everyone knows what goes on in bathrooms, and some of it isn’t pretty. Fortunately, most of them include fans (and, if you’re fortunate, windows!) to disperse any odors, whether they originate from us or somewhere else. If you want to upgrade your home bathroom, why not take a page out of my favorite spa’s playbook?

  1. Eucalyptus branches

You may create a relaxing spa atmosphere just in your own bathroom. From the showerhead, suspend a few eucalyptus branches. Steam from a hot shower will soften the eucalyptus branches, releasing their oils and creating a delightful aroma that will waft through the room and beyond.

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Tips To Make Your Bedroom Smell Good

This is where I spend a significant amount of time, even while I am not awake. In the process of snoring, sneezing, and drooling, I (and countless other people) unwittingly produce certain unpleasant odors. Think about it: the bedroom is the place where you breathe in the morning. Not very appetizing, is it?

  1. Dryer sheets

If you want to keep the scent of freshly laundered clothes with you all day, just put dryer sheets in various drawers and cupboards. 

  1. Vodka

If you find that the musty odor persists in your clothing after washing, try filling a spray bottle with clear, flavorless vodka. A quick spritz with alcohol can eliminate smells from your clothing as it evaporates.

Tips To Make Your Living Room Smell Good

Given its proximity to the front door, the living room is perhaps the most popular gathering place in the home. I wouldn’t want my visitors to experience musty or unpleasant smells, and neither would you. After all, first impressions are everything.

  1. Essential oils

Vacuuming can, at times, leave an unpleasant odor behind. Place a cotton ball inside the vacuum bag along with a few drops of essential oil to remedy this. It’s a simple method to add fragrance to vacuuming.

  1. Work the carpet

Your carpet tends to hold on to smells, so keep an eye on it. Regular deodorizing is crucial to fight odors from perspiration, smoking, mildew, and pet dander. To counteract carpet scents, use humidifiers, baking soda, club soda, or white vinegar.

  1. Febreze

Remove smells using a Febreze Plug. On the low setting, a plug may keep your house odor-free for up to 1200 hours, whereas rapid cures only last a short while.

  1. Use a diffuser

To adjust the scent to your preference, add a few drops of your preferred essential oils to a diffuser. Blend several oils to get the ideal blend.

  1. Crack a window open

Open a window to allow in some fresh air when the weather permits. This may not be the best choice in severe weather, such as winter or storms.

  1. Unbox that old incense burner

Set a relaxing incense burner. It smells fantastic, and there’s a certain satisfaction in seeing it burn gently.

  1. Scented candle

To cover up offensive scents in your house, light a candle.

  1. Air fresheners

Apply a room freshening spray. You’ll find plenty of options online as well as your nearest grocery store. It eliminates smells instead of merely masking them with overpowering fragrances. I have this one at home from Amazon, and it does an amazing job of keeping the space smelling fresh. You can find it here.

Tips To Make Your Entryways, Hallways, And More Smell Good

I take it that “everywhere else” in the home refers to the majority of the space. The spaces in between are also worthy of consideration!

  1. Focus on shoes

Freshen up your shoes if the fragrance of your foyer is becoming a little stale. Place them in the washer if they are washable. If not, use a rubbing alcohol-dampened towel to clean them.

  1. Air filters

Every time you replace the filter on your air conditioner, add a few drops of essential oils. Your air conditioner will fill your house with the lovely aromas of nature as it cools down.

  1. Furnace filter

To experience mood-lifting essential oil aromas all year round, not only in the summer, do the same with your furnace filter.

  1. Vanilla Essence

Is the overpowering scent of new paint bothering you? To lighten your paint, mix in a spoonful of vanilla essence, my absolute favorite. Simply pour it into the paint container, give it a good swirl, and begin painting as normal.

  1. Vinegar

Use vinegar for cleaning; it’s a natural deodorizer. And don’t worry, after cleaning, the vinegar scent goes away fast.

And that’s it! These simple ideas will make your house smell wonderful and get you praise from guests—even your mother-in-law. I’ll see you later, smelling good!

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